New Year’s Diet Resolution Tips

Health is always at the top of New Year’s resolutions, and weight loss is one of people’s most common goals. Whether you want to lose a few pounds or tackle obesity, it’s important to set yourself up for success by understanding functional nutrition. These New Year’s diet resolution tips will help you reach your goals without becoming defeated.

Learn About Nutrition

When you are only focused on the scale, you can forget the importance of weight loss: to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Therefore, it’s important to learn as much as possible about nutrition to better understand food’s role in supporting your well-being.

By learning more about nutrition, you can understand how carbohydrates, micro and macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals all affect your body. While we often think of weight loss as an aesthetic goal, it is really a matter of health.

Research shows that education helps support weight loss goals, so learning as much as possible before dieting can be beneficial.

Start Small

Avoid throwing yourself into an intensive workout regime, especially if you have been living with no to little physical activity thus far. Instead, make slow steps toward a more active life. To begin, you may start with a short daily walk and some stretching. From there, you could increase your activity level, try fitness classes, and explore different types of exercise.

When you start small, you set yourself up for success. The more you achieve, the more confidence you develop. Instead of feeling discouraged or overwhelmed, you can feel a sense of accomplishment as your fitness levels increase.

Consult With a Doctor

Before starting any diet or exercise program, you should have a physical examination from your primary care physician. They can recommend suitable lifestyle changes that will help you lose weight safely.

Furthermore, meeting with a nutritional specialist can assist you in reaching your goals. Dr. Philip Rabito is an experienced endocrinologist who specializes in weight loss medicine, as well as general nutrition and fitness medicine.

He can help create a personalized plan for your New Year’s diet resolution to set you up for success.

Schedule a Consultation Today

If you would like to meet with Dr. Rabito, please contact our practice in Manhattan at 877-703-3775. You can also message us online to request an appointment at our office on the Upper East Side.

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