How Seeing an Endocrinologist Can Help You Lose Weight

How Seeing an Endocrinologist Can Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight isn’t always as simple as dieting and exercising; a number of factors, seen and unseen, can affect your progress. When you encounter one of these unseen aspects of weight loss, you may not understand why you’re not losing the weight; this is when you need to consider visiting an endocrinologist. By understanding how seeing an endocrinologist can help you lose weight, you can break through the barriers that previously held you back.

What’s Halting Your Weight Loss?

Before you set up an appointment, you need to know the basics of the problem you may be facing: the endocrine system. This system is a collection of various organs in the body that produce hormones. The hormones affect multiple facets of your body, including physical development, emotions, and chemical regulation. When your hormones are out of balance, the body begins showing physical effects. This might mean your metabolism has slowed down to the point that you’re not losing any weight or that your body is being forced to store more fat. These complications can result in stagnant progress with weight loss and lead to obesity, among other health concerns.

Why See an Endocrinologist?

Endocrinology is the study of the endocrine system, and endocrinologists specialize in treating conditions that originate from this system. With special tools and training, they can diagnose specific illnesses and conditions, whether they’re due to the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, or pituitary gland. Seeing an endocrinologist can help you lose weight by first helping you regulate the hormones in your body, allowing your metabolism to absorb and expend energy more efficiently.

The Risks of Not Getting Your Condition Under Control

The endocrine system is a complex assortment of organs that have significant sway over the functions of the body, and allowing your condition to go unaddressed can be a safety risk. One of the most common conditions related to untreated endocrine complications is diabetes; without careful monitoring, treatment, and lifestyle changes, you can jeopardize your safety and risk your life in the process.

Diabetes is probably the most well-known condition related to the endocrine system, but it’s far from the only one. Don’t hold off on seeing the specialist you need; waiting can have significant negative consequences that may harm your body. Dr. Philip Rabito is one such specialist; he is among the best endocrinologists in NYC. His expertise can assist you in diagnosing and treating your condition, giving you the best chance to get your body under control.

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