Three Ways to Lose Weight Sustainably

personalized weight loss

Few topics garner as much attention on the Internet as dieting and weight loss. There are a wide variety of diets, like Keto, Atkins, and Paleo. There are also varying opinions on which ways to lose weight are effective while also being safe. The truth is likely somewhere in the middle: somewhere in between gimmicky weight loss fads and miserable overexertion at the gym is a sustainable, realistic answer. Everybody has a different body chemistry, different goals, and different needs. For this reason, you should seek out a personalized weight lossprogram that works for you.

Some people may also find that diets and exercise alone don’t result in their desired weight loss goal. People with diabetes and those with metabolic or thyroid issues may need additional help. Endocrinologists and nutrition doctors may help navigate tricky dietary situations for people who have restrictions or other physiological conditions. Here are some general guidelines for those looking for a little bit of extra help.


Chances are, if you’ve seen your primary care physician, they have told you on more than one occasion that regular exercise is a foundation of good health, stress relief, and weight loss. There’s a reason for this…it’s true.

While weight loss can be achieved through proper diet, exercise is an extremely important part of overall health. In your personalized weight loss program, you and your doctors can determine what kinds of exercise work best for you. Some people find that getting into any kind of exercise routine, regardless of how strenuous, is extremely beneficial. Others may find that they feel more accomplished with intense cardiovascular workouts.

Better Nutrition

Building healthy eating habits certainly doesn’t happen overnight. And that’s part of what makes it seem so difficult when you’re getting started. But small, incremental changes made over time eventually make a huge difference.

One of the best ways to get started is by making small changes and easy substitutions. The World Health Organization, as a general guideline, says that you should eat five portions of both fruit and veggies each day. So how can you work that into your routine, sustainably?

Some people find that smoothies are an optimal way to incorporate fruit and vegetables into their diets. The trick here is ensuring that you’re not also increasing your sugar intake too much. While fruit and natural sugar can be good for you, many smoothie shops also use artificial sugar and sweeteners that are counter-productive to your weight loss goals.

Other things to consider are general substitutions. Some people have a weakness for soda. In time, calorie-free carbonated water can replace the craving. People who really love carbs can often find suitable replacements for things like pasta by using vegetable-based noodles instead.

Seeing an Endocrinologist

Finally, through a personalized weight loss program, you may discover an issue with your endocrine system–like diabetes, problems with metabolism or other hormone-related conditions. These issues can hinder your weight loss and affect your overall health.

Endocrine system issues can usually be determined with your primary care physician with some basic blood work. If any issues are discovered, you can be referred to an endocrinologist to help with these issues. Once the underlying issue is identified, your team of doctors can work together to continue helping you along your journey to weight loss and overall health!

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